How to Help the Economy During the Great Depression


The Great Depression was a period of time when the stock market crashed, thousands went broke, and many people lost their jobs. With the economy in the trash, it seemed like America was doomed. However, in order to help the economy, a program could be initiated to help the economy, which in return would dig America out of their predicament.

Government Jobs

     – During the Great Depression, the government could have created jobs to help its economy. They economy was so low because no one was buying anything, everyone was poor, and many people had no job. If the government created jobs, then they would be helping the economy. They could hire people to create murals, build clothing factories, and hire people to clean streets. Murals would help the overall look of the cities, to maybe brighten up people’s lives, as they all had no hope. Clothing factories would also help, because it would increase the number of jobs and if they created a lot of clothes, the price of necessary clothing items would go down, meaning people could afford to cloth their children. Street cleaners would also help the cities, it would create jobs and help with hygiene. The people lived in shanty towns, that were less than ideal. Trash littered the streets, and hiring people to clean these streets up could improve health and moral.

World Wonder

     – Another way for the economy to recover during the Great Depression was to build a world wonder. The U.S. could create a huge monument, that would require many people, creating thousands of jobs. This would help the economy because people would be getting paid, and in return, would be buying items again. It would also serve as a tourist attraction, in that people from around the world would come to view it. This would also help the economy in that people from different places would be buying products, tours, etc. and be helping the American economy.

Build Large Aqueducts

     – Building large aqueducts for farm land would help the U.S. economy during the Great Depression. This would create thousands of jobs, as they build aqueducts to divert water from miles away to farms spread out all over the U.S. The government would take over the land, hiring workers to farm it, and to bring new life to the land. As soon as it is prosperous, they could give it back to the farmers, a now thriving farm land capable of producing crops.

Government Owned Banks

     – Government owned banks could also help the economy during the Great Depression. The government would create banks, which would require people, in turn creating jobs and getting people to invest in the banks. Opening banks back up, would help the economy because people would begin investing in banks. With the banks being owned by the government, they would be prevented from closing.

Nation Wide Day Care

     – During the Great Depression, thousands of people were homeless, and children died of starvation. The government could make a nationwide day care, where kids could be taken to, cared for, and fed. This would require building hundreds of thousands of building across the nation, creating jobs. They will need people to create these building, construction workers, creating hundreds of jobs. Also, these daycare’s would be governmentally funded, so the children could go to these daycare’s for little cost. At these daycare’s, the children would also be taught, getting them an education that they would not have otherwise gotten. They would also be fed, so that children would not be dying of starvation.



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